Humboldt Disaster Response
The partnership between Habitat for Humanity and the County of Humboldt will run from January 19, 2023, to June 30, 2025, and aims to help displaced low-income families by repairing and/or replacing earthquake-damaged homes. Habitat for Humanity will work with disaster case management to coordinate the applicant intake forms and partner agency caseworkers with qualifying low-income families, rental property owners, and non-profit agencies.
Rental property owners seeking repairs must apply via the Habitat for Humanity website, or call Family Services at (530) 742-2727 ext 2014. Rental Property owners must agree to provide the unit as affordable housing, approved by Habitat. A Physical Needs Assessment will need to be completed on each home. Only work related to the earthquake will be completed through this grant process, and any additional work requested by the property owner would be at the property owner's expense, done after the earthquake repairs are finished. Habitat for Humanity will provide a grant up to $10,000, and an additional no-interest loan attached to it if needed, that would be due and payable by the property owner. The property owner would be required to enter into a new lease agreement with a tenant that will be based upon the funding amount required, not to be less than two years.
Volunteers, Low-income Homeowners and Renters
Property Owners and Landlords
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