We are open:
Tues to Sat: from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Donation drop-offs are accepted:
Tues to Sat: 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
*We CANNOT accept donations of: Mattresses, Box springs, Hospital Beds, Clothing, Linens, Shoes, TV's, Electronics, Mirrors or Glass without framed edges, Baby Items, Toys, Pianos or Organs, Entertainment / TV Cabinets, Incomplete Items
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Let us tell you!
What is the ReStore? Well, let us tell you. Imagine your favorite home improvement store falling in love with your favorite thrift store...ReStore would be their beautiful love child. Our store floor is always changing with new and used items. We have some pretty fantastic partnerships that donate new appliances, furniture, and household fun you forgot that you needed.
What's the best part about the ReStore?
Well, besides walking out with some great deals, that is, our ReStore sales cover all our costs to operate AND help us in building homes for our partner families. The sales from our ReStore allow every dollar donated to go directly into one of our programs to ensure a better Yuba-Sutter for all of us.
Come in and see what treasures you find!
Remember that if you don't find what you're looking for, you will find something you never knew you needed. Every week, the store is different so become a regular with the ReStore crew.